Baby I'm here and I love you I just hope you give the chance and love me or give me the chance to love you I hope one day you're Strickland it's Margaret James Strickland and y'all make you the happiest woman in the world baby cuz you made me the happiest man we just went wrong I think we deserve another chance cuz if I don't make love to you I'm through making love I just it'll be me and baby and double trouble they're not laugh or whatever you doing that I want to suck that p**** and make love to you baby and I think you do me too so reach out and touch each other quit fighting I love you baby
P Maggie I love you you're the best sexiest p**** in the world I've ever met you're the best woman I ever had and I want to make you Margaret Strickland baby please come clean let me see that beautiful p**** you got and make love to you please